Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Talk it up, Mom and Dad

Did you know that there is a huge difference between kids whose parents talk to them a lot and those whose parents don't.  Studies show that kids with talkative parents can start kindergarten having heard as much as 30,000 more words than kids with less talkative parents.  The more words kids hear, the better readers they will be because it is much harder to learn to read a word you have never heard before than one you already know. 

The best way to talk with kids is through two way conversation.  Don't just give directions, like, "Come here," or "Turn of the TV." Ask questions and listen to your child's answers, and then listen and answer when they ask you questions. Conversations involve more complex grammar and sentence structure than simple commands.  By using these complex patterns early with your child, their brain develops structures ready to understand the wonderful richness of language.

To learn more about Early Literacy visit our Early Literacy 

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