Monday, March 25, 2019

Pass Go and Collect $200
Pass Go and Collect $200
By Tanya Lee Stone
Illustrated by Steven Salerno
Henry Holt and Company, 2018, Unpaginated, Youth Nonfiction

Have you ever played the board game Monopoly? Where did it all start?
Elizabeth Magie created the game to help people realize how unjust tenant-landlord relationships were in the late 1800's in America.However, the game went through many changes and many more hands before it became the game we know today.

This clever book reveals the confusing history surrounding this popular game. Readers will be fascinated by how the game was used, designed, reused, and redesigned over the years. Who knew that it was used in a college classroom? Or that for years, fans made up their own changes and even rules - and those changes still appear in the version people know today? Though full of facts, this book has beautiful illustrations done in crayon, ink, gouache, and pastel that have been Photoshoped and layered on top of each other. The result is a colorful and interesting book that would be great for anyone who wants to learn little more about Monopoly, board games, or American history.

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