Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Chasing Helicity

Chasing Helicity
by Ginger Zee
DisneyHyperion, 2018, Intermediate Fiction, 204 p
Helicity is fascinated by weather, so when she rides away from a party one day on her horse, she is fixated by a quickly developing storm on the horizon.  Instead of hurrying back home, she photographs and records the event until her phone battery runs down.  Too late she realizes that the storm has turned into a tornado, and by the time she returns home, there is no home to return to.  Her family is alive, but not unscathed, and the event has lasting consequences, both for her and for those she loves.

This is a heart-thumping, adrenaline-ride of a children's novel written by a meteorologist. The accounts of the tornado and its aftermath are authentic and awesome. Zee deals sensitively with Helicity's quest to enter a very dangerous profession, and her brother's growing dependence on pain meds after his injury.  She resists the temptation to tie everything up into a neat bow at the end and leaves the reader with interesting ethical questions. This is a great book for kids interested in the thrills of nature unleashed.

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